Is A Wireless, electronic fence right For Your Dog? #Giveaway
Note: I partnered with Binatone worldwide to bring you this post.
This publish is written to assist you choose if a wireless, electronic fence system such as the Motorola WirelessFence25 is right for your dog.
I understand some people get a bit anxious when they hear about electronic collars, however the vibration from this collar actually feels like a vibrating cell phone.
My own lab mix Ace was trained on an electronic fence system, which allowed him to experience off-leash flexibility in my parents’ big yard. I have so many great memories of my dog hanging out with us in the lawn during campfires, sitting by the lake, etc.
An added benefit of the Motorola system is its mobility. You can pack it up into a little situation as well as take it camping, to a relative’s house, etc.
I wished to cover some pros as well as cons of the Motorola wireless fence based on my experience. If you have any training or product questions, just leave them in the comments as well as I’ll get them answered.
Overview of the Motorola WirelessFence25
The Motorola WirelessFence25 is a wireless dog fence you can utilize at house or for traveling. It was produced by Binatone Global, the licensing partner of Motorola home as well as pet tracking systems.
The WirelessFence25 produces a circular containment area that is weatherproof as well as works inside your home or outdoors. It is portable as well as can be utilized for camping, visiting the beach, etc.
It’s offered on Amazon for $299 with free shipping. Kliknite tu.
Some primary features include:
No wires to bury.
The base as well as collar include re-chargeable batteries.
A tone-only mode as well as 15 levels of “correction.”
The system is meant for traveling as well as can be packed into a little travel case.
Comes with 50 flags to mark limits during training.
Comes with a detailed, step-by-step training guide.
Gives a warning tone a few feet before the actual boundary.
Consider a wireless fence for your pup if:
1. You can’t put up a physical fence due to cost, HOA rules, living on lakefront property, etc.
2. You need added security to keep your dog away from a road.
3. You requirement to keep your dog out of a specific area such as a pool area, a driveway, or to prevent digging in a flower bed.
4. You requirement a risk-free method to confine your dog when you take her to a buddy or relative’s house or to a park or the beach.
5. You want to utilize it to “fence in” a smaller area within a physical fence such as a garden or a larger area beyond a physical fence.
Let me understand of some other good reasons I’ve missed in the comment section.
Here are a few of my thoughts on the Motorola WirelessFence25
What I like about it
It’s a well-made product at a great value ($279). You definitely don’t want to go with a cheaper product to “save money.” We bought a much cheaper system from one more brand years ago, as well as it was worthless.
I like exactly how the individual guide teaches dog owners exactly how to safely teach their dogs the limits over a few weeks, keeping the dog on a leash at very first as well as utilizing praise as well as food as rewards. It’s all about the positive-reinforcement vs. the corrections.
The warning tone starts a few feet from the limit you set, to provide adequate notice.
What I don’t like
The actual electronic piece of the collar may be a little large for some smaller dogs, nevertheless it can be used on dogs 20 pounds as well as up. You can see, it works just fine for my 70-pounder.
The collar needs re-charging, which can be inconvenient at times. If your dog uses the collar for much of the day, it will requirement to be re-charged every 48 hours or so. If you only utilize it right here as well as there, the battery lasts longer.
The maximum distance between the limit zone as well as the system’s base is 150 feet, so keep that in mind.
Here’s what the base looks like. It likewise includes a ground stake, which you’ll see in a few of the other pics.
How simple is it to set up?
The Motorola WirelessFence25 is simple to utilize when you get the hang of it. just make sure to carefully comply with the individual guide as well as provide yourself some time for the very first configuration as well as to get used to the system. The high-pitched beeps during configuration might bother some dogs, do it’s finest to have your dog inside your home during that time.
Setting the actual limits includes walking along the perimeter with the collar as well as marking the boundary with actual flags.
DoOpravy bolia?
Rozhodne nie. Najprv som vyskúšal golier na sebe. To bol pohľad!
Najprv som ho nastavil na úroveň 3, ako aj na najväčšiu úroveň, 15. Hroty som držal priamo na koži na zápästí. „Pingy“ boli ako držanie vibračného mobilného telefónu na mojom zápästí. Neubližuje to. Najprv potenciálne trochu prekvapujúce.
Vyškolil som eso na starší systém, ktorý ho udržal na dvore mojich rodičov, ako aj systém Motorola je veľmi podobný s pridanou voľbou, že ho vezmete so sebou do parku, na dovolenke, do domu babičky atď.
Niektoré základné tipy
Sprievodca spoločnosťou Motorola prechádza podrobnými krokmi, ako aj odporúčania spoločnosti sú podobné tomu, čo som urobil pri výcviku Ace.
Pár tipov:
Najskôr si zahrajte so svojím psom v trávniku a potom ho choďte smerom k limitu na vodítku, zatiaľ čo on používa golier nastavený iba na varovný tón. Keď budete počuť tón, šťastne uveďte „Vráťte sa!“ Rovnako ako odmeňte svojho psa za to, že ste sa s vami dodržiavali. “Dobrý chlapec! Yaaay! “
Zavedte nízku úroveň korekcie v deň 2 alebo 3. Urobte to isté ako vyššie, ale umožnite vášmu psovi zažiť miernu korekciu, takže niečo pochopí, že niečo vyhovuje výstražnému pípnutiu.
Asi v deň 5, nechajte svojmu psovi väčšiu flexibilitu na dlhom vodítku a začnite predstavovať určité mierne rozptýlenie. Ak prekročí hranicu, nechajte ho zažiť korekciu a potom okamžite ustúpiť do limitu a chváliť ho.
Psy sa veľmi rýchlo chytia, je však dôležité, aby ste to berú pomaly a chodili so všetkými školiacimi krokmi.
Vyhrajte bezplatnú spoločnosť Motorola WirelessFence25 v hodnote 299 dolárov.
*1/16/11 Aktualizácia: Poskytujem svoj Motorola WirelessFence25 jednému návštevníkovi tohto Mutt. Ak chcete vstúpiť, zanechajte komentár k tomuto novému príspevku.
Objednávanie informácií
Motorola WirelessFence25 je ponúkaný na Amazone za 279 dolárov s dopravou zadarmo. Tu si môžete objednať jeden, ktorý využije môj pridružený odkaz.
Ak máte akékoľvek obavy z toho, ako presne funguje produkt, alebo presne to, ako školenie funguje, nechajte ich v komentároch a tiež ich dám zodpovedať.
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