Best Raw pet dog Food brands
Today I’m going to share with you the best raw pet dog food brands. There are tons raw pet dog food companies to choose from, which is great! It indicates people and brands are understanding the health benefits of a raw diet for dogs such as:
Reduced ear infections
Fewer allergies
Less poop!
Less pet dog smell
Reduced cancer risk
Cleaner teeth
Soft, shiny coats
Since there are so lots of brands, I can’t possibly have my pup test them all (although he’d love to try)! If you have a favorite brand, please mention it at the end in the comments. I’d love to find out a lot more about it!
I’m Barbara Rivers and I write frequently for That Mutt. I’m a blogger, raw feeder and maintain the blog K9sOverCoffee.
I’ve been feeding my own dogs raw pet dog food considering that 2015 and got my certification as a raw pet dog food nutrition specialist from Dogs naturally magazine in early 2020.
With that in mind, the following are my favorite commercial raw pet dog food brands!
Best raw pet dog food brands included in this post:
Raw Paws
Raw Feeding Miami
Stella & Chewy’s
Steve’s real Food
The sincere Kitchen
Grandma Lucy’s
Dr. Harvey’s
*Get our three complimentary raw pet dog food recipes now! Kliknite tu
The 10 best Raw pet dog Food Brands
#1: Darwin’s natural Pet
Darwin’s uses pre-made raw pet dog food in 8-ounce patties. I actually began my raw feeding journey with Darwin’s back in 2015 and I think it’s one of the best raw pet dog food brands.
Darwin’s is a sponsor of That Mutt. You can get 10lbs of their food for just $14.95! complimentary shipping and no code required! learn a lot more here.
Darwin’s ships across the U.S.
Darwin’s is located on the West coast in Tukwila, Wash., and ships nationwide within the U.S. Their raw pet dog food is not available in pet retail stores.
Cost of Darwin’s raw food
Darwin’s uses 3 different lines of raw pet dog food that range in price from $4.69/lb to $8.90/lb. shipping is always free!
Options when ordering from Darwin’s:
Natural selections Raw pet dog Food. Made with free-range meats and organic vegetables. available as chicken, duck, turkey, beef and lamb. This is what Lindsay’s pet dog Remy eats!
BioLogics Raw pet dog Food. Made with conventionally raised/grown meats and vegetables and a lot more affordable. It’s available as chicken, turkey and beef.
Intelligent design Veterinary meals for Dogs. created to support certain health issues and only available by prescription. It’s available as KS Kidney support Formula, LS Liver support Formula, CS cancer support formula and JMS (Joint and Musculoskeletal) Formula.
Bonus: Darwin’s has an introductory offer of 10lb of raw pet dog food for just $14.95. check it out here.
Darwin’s raw food
Ingredients in Darwin’s raw food
All of Darwin’s meals are gluten-free and wheat-free. They’re made with roughly 75% meat, 24% vegetables and 1% of a special nutrient mix. The exact ratio depends on the individual line and protein source.
Here are 2 examples:
BioLogics Chicken: 74.58% meat, 24.64% vegetables, 0.78% special nutrient mix
BioLogics Beef: 72.41% meat, 24.43% vegetables, 3.15% special nutrient mix
Ingredient sample for natural selections Chicken:
Chicken Meat, chicken Necks (including bone), chicken Gizzards, chicken Livers, chicken Hearts, Yams, Romaine Lettuce, Carrots, Yellow Squash, Zucchini, Celery, Parsley, organic Flaxseed Oil, Sea Salt, Inulin, Cod Liver Oil, Zinc Proteinate, Iron Proteinate, Copper Proteinate, Vitamin E, Manganese Proteinate, Thiamine Mononitrate and Iodine.
Variety of products
Darwin’s has a terrific product selection and uses chicken, turkey, duck, beef and lamb.
Remy waiting for his Darwin’s meal
Darwin’s reviews
Google: 4.3 out of 5 stars
Facebook: 4.1 out of 5 stars
Read That Mutt’s in-depth review of Darwin’s here.
Pros and cons of Darwin’s raw food
Pros of Darwin’s:
Doprava zdarma
Inexpensive introductory offer – try it here
Delivers to your door on auto-ship
Choice between organic and conventional ingredients
Convenient 8oz pouches with EZ peel opening
Free pet food consultation
High quality raw pet dog food
Veterinary line of food
Nationwide delivery within the U.S.
Email reminders before every shipment with the option to cancel or change the order
If you feed the “prey model” raw approach, Darwin’s might not be the best option for you because it consists of some vegetables.
Remy eating his Darwin’s meal
#2: Raw Paws
Raw Paws Pet Food is a commercial raw pet dog food vendor that uses pre-made raw pet dog food, but they also sell a few individual cuts of raw meat. They offer products with and without vegetables and fruit so the meals work for different styles of raw feeding.
I’ve placed orders on and off with them considering that 2016 and think they are one of the best raw pet dog food brands
Availability across the US
Raw Paws Pet Food is located in Indianapolis, and ships within the continentalU.S. OBJEDNÁVKA PODNIKUJÚCEHO NÁKLADU DEČASTNÍKAMI DO 2 P.M. v ten istý deň. Objednávky umiestnené v sobotu a v nedeľu v pondelok.
Ich surové psie pes potravina nie je k dispozícii na nákup v oblasti maloobchodných predajní pre domáce zvieratá, ale ponúkajú miestne pickup zo svojho skladu v pracovných dňoch.
Náklady na surové labky
Surové labky pre domáce zvieratá kompletné zmesi rozsahu v cene medzi $ 6,49 / lb na $ 9,49 / lb. Doprava je bezplatná s objednávkami $ 199 +. Pod tým, že majú prepravnú paušálnu sadzbu vo výške 25 USD. Ponúkajú tiež bezplatnú prepravu so svojimi odrodami (10 lb, 19 lb a 20 lb).
Bonus: Majú úvodnú ponuku, ktorá sa nazýva kompletná intro odroda za 69 dolárov. Skladá sa z 8LB úplných zmesí + 16 oz surového kozy mlieka.
Majú tiež predajnú sekciu.
Surové labky ingrediencie
Surové labky Pet Food hovorí, že zdroje svojich zložiek z “zodpovedných a etických fariem”. Využíva zmesi s a bez zeleniny. Všetky jeho zmesi sú bezplatné antibiotiká, plnivá, prísady a konzervačné látky.
Ich hovädzie mäso, kurča, morčacie, kozy a baránky sú pochádzajúce z voľných zvierat na rodinnej farme v Indiane.
Duck Line je získavaná z voľného behu, kačice kontrolované USDA vyvolané na rodinných farmách, ktoré boli ľudsky zberateľné.
Všetky zeleniny sa tiež pestuje na farmách Indiana. Mackerel (mastný ryby) používaný v niektorých ich zmesiach je divoký v Atlantiku.
Vzorka zložiek pre úplné hovädzie a makrely:
Hovädzie kolo, hovädzie mäso, divoké – zachytené makrely, hovädzie kosti, hovädzie mäso, hovädzie jazyky, hovädzie pečeň, hovädzie obličky, hovädzie sleziny a hovädzie mäso.
Rôzne výrobky zo surových labiek
Surové labky pet potraviny majú obrovský výber produktu, vrátane rýb (makrely).
Ich kompletné zmesi sú k dispozícii ako:
Hovädzie a tripe ($ 7,49 / lb)
Hovädzie mäso ($ 6,49 / lb)
Makrely a hovädzie mäso ($ 6.49 / lb)
Zelenina a hovädzie mäso ($ 6.49 / lb)
Kurča ($ 6.49 / lb)
Kuracie a zelenina ($ 6.49 / LB)
Turecko ($ 5.69 / LB)
Koza ($ 9,49 / lb)
Kozí a hovädzie mäso ($ 8,49 / lb)
Jahňacie (9,49 dolárov / lb)
DUCK ($ 7,99 / LB)
Recenzie surových labiek
Yelp: 5 z 5 hviezdičiek.
Facebook: 4.8 z 5 hviezdičiek.
Pros a nevýhody surových labiek
Vysoko kvalitné surové psie psie potraviny
Rozsiahle množstvo produktov
Doprava zdarma s určitým cenovým bodom a na výber produktov
Veľmi rýchly čas objednávky / prepravu
Bezplatné jedlo
Celoštátne dodanie v rámci kontinentálneho USA
Tam sú zmesi s alebo bez zeleniny
Ich podstatný výber produktu je ohromujúci!
* Získajte naše tri bezplatné surové psie jedlo recepty teraz! Kliknite tu
# 3: Odpovede krmivo pre domáce zvieratá
Odpovede Pet Food je komerčný surový pes psie potraviny značky, ktorá sa špecializuje na fermentované surové potraviny. Fermentácia zvyšuje nutričnú hodnotu surových potravín, pretože pridáva dobrú baktérie, že prednastavenie potraviny. To zase robí oveľa jednoduchšie pre naše mláďatá na asimilačné živiny.
Zistil som len o tejto značke (v polovici roku 2020), keď som chcel vyzdvihnúť nejaké kozie mlieko pre moju šteniatko na miestnom obchodníkovi pre domáce zvieratá a namiesto toho som videl.
Som rád, že ich fermentované vzorce, pretože je to oveľa viac pohodlnejšie, než museli fermentovať svoje vlastné potraviny, ktoré som zvážil.
Odpovede tiež dodali môjho domáceho psa s niektorými vzorkami ich potravín pri písaní tohto článku.
Dostupnosť cez US
Odpovede Pet Food sa nachádza v Fleetwood, Pa. Ich úplná a vyvážená diéta (a všetky ostatné produkty) sú k dispozícii na celoštátnej úrovni v USA, ale v súčasnosti ponúkajú iba online objednávky na východnom pobreží.
Zvyšok krajiny môže teraz získať svoje výrobky v tehál-a-malta pre domáce obchody. Najbližší pre vás nájdete tu. Najbližší pre mňa je len 10 minút a žijem na východnom pobreží v NC, takže mám šťastie!
Náklady na odpovede Surové potraviny
Ich ceny pre kompletné a vyvážené diéty siahajú v cene medzi $ 5.46 / lb a $ 13,23 / lb.
Môj pes pes wally
Zložky v odpovediach PET FOOD
Všetky potraviny odpovedí pozostáva z celých škôd trávnatých a trávnatých prieparov (globálne partnerstvo pre zvieratá, dobré životné podmienky zvierat). Ich hydinové a kačacie vajcia sú organické. Takže sú ich zelenina a sú tiež fermented. Ich bravčové mäso je udržateľné a pastviny.
Vzorka zložiek pre hĺbkovú surovú kačicu:
Duck, Duck Heart, Duck pečeň, zemská kačacia kosť, organické mrkvy, organické kačacie vajcia, organická žltá squash, organické zelené fazuľa, srvátková, treska pečeň, maslo, kefír (surové kravské mlieko, sušené laktobacillus bulharicus fermentačný produkt, sušené laktobacillus acidophilus fermentácia Produkt, sušené leuconostoc mesenteroides fermentačný produkt, sušené laktobacillus laktza fermentačný produkt), montmorillonit, organická petržlenová, soli a vitamín e doplnok.
Odpoveď odpovede surového hovädzieho mäsa. Wally dostane 3/4 patty na jedlo.
Rôzne produkty
Odpovede Pet Food má slušný výber produktu.
Ich kompletná a vyvážená diéta aka v hĺbkovom vzorci prichádzajú v 1 alebo 4 lb papierových kartónoch vytvorených pre ľahké rozmrazenie, rovnako ako “Nibbles” a pattia.
Sú k dispozícii ako kurča, hovädzie, kačica, pork and turkey.
Pros and Cons of Answers Pet Food
First and only fermented raw pet food vendor in the industry
Nationwide availability within the U.S.
Great for those who feed the “BARF” raw feeding model (made with vegetables)
Not fully available online
Only available in select physical pet retail stores
Not a good option for Prey model raw feeders (made with vegetables)
#4. Raw Feeding Miami (RFM)
Raw Feeding Miami is a Prey model Raw brand that uses individual cuts of raw meat for diy raw pet dog food, as well as several pre-made raw pet dog food options.
I’ve placed lots of orders with RFM considering that 2016 and believe they are one of the best raw pet dog food brands!
Availability across the US
As the name suggests, Raw Feeding Miami is located in Miami. They ship nationwide within the continental U.S., but not to Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico.
Their raw pet dog food is not available to buy in pet retail stores, but they do offer local pickup from their warehouse. They also offer local delivery between Wednesdays and Saturdays after 6 pm to clients who live within a 30 mile radius.
Orders need to be placed 7 days in development before they are shipped, which is clearly communicated.
Cost of Raw Feeding Miami
RFM’s pre-made grinds as they call them range in price from $4.50/lb to $7.99/lb. Those are their pre-made meals that can be fed as-is.
Note: There are some pricier grinds that range in price between $9.00/lb and $12.00/lb, but they’re not balanced and can’t be fed as a complete meal.
Shipping is not free, but they have a good rewards program. With every buy you earn points that can then be redeemed on future orders. They don’t have any introductory offers, but they do have monthly specials.
Ingredients in Raw Feeding Miami
All of RFM’s meats and grinds are hormone- and antibiotic-free and sourced from “meat producers that maintain a remarkable level of sustainability and ethics behind the treatment of their animals.” all of their products are PMR only (Prey model Raw, without vegetables and fruit).
Their beef line comes from local, pastured, non-GMO cows, while their lamb lines comes from free-range new Zealand lamb. The rabbits from their rabbit line are fed a vegetable diet.
Ingredient sample for Rabbit Grinds:
Ground up whole rabbits with organs (no intestines or heads).
Rôzne produkty
RFM has a huge product selection.
Their grinds are available as:
Chicken ($4.50)
Chicken and green tripe ($5.30/lb)
Beef ($5.85/lb)
Beef and green tripe ($6.00/lb)
Duck ($5.99/lb)
Goose ($7.99/lb)
Lamb ($6.10/lb)
Pork ($5.10/lb)
Rabbit ($7.99/lb)
Turkey ($5.65/lb)
Reviews or Raw Feeding Miami
Yelp: 5 out of 5 stars
Facebook: 4.9 out of 5 stars
Google: 4.8 out of 5 stars
Pros and cons of Raw Feeding Miami
Vysoko kvalitné surové psie psie potraviny
Rozsiahle množstvo produktov
Nationwide delivery within the continental US
Rewards program
Affordable prices
Great for Prey model Raw. Their grinds don’t include any vegetables or fruit.
No complimentary shipping
Orders need to be placed 7 days in advance
Not a good option for BARF feeders (raw pet dog food with vegetables/fruit)
#5: Stella & Chewy’s
Stella & Chewy’s is a commercial raw pet dog food brand that only uses pre-made raw food that falls into the BARF category (with vegetables and fruit).
I’ve picked up Stella & Chewy’s frozen dinner patties when I ran out of my homemade raw pet dog food.
Availability across the US
Stella & Chewy’s is located in Wisconsin. Their frozen meals are available within all of the US, but only in the freezer sections of brick-and-mortar pet retail stores. Najbližší pre vás nájdete tu.
Cost of Stella & Chewy’s
Stella and Chewy’s prices vary quite a bit.
Their frozen patties are available in 3, 6, and 12 lb bags. The 12lb bags are the least expensive option on a price per lb scale. Overall, their prices for this product range between $17-$40/bag.
Ingredients in Stella & Chewy’s
Stella and Chewy’s meat ingredients are sourced from north america (beef, poultry, fish), Australia and new Zealand (beef, lamb, venison), and Europe (rabbit).
Their fruits